Après Marathon!
Well, it’s all over! I really hope you enjoyed the experience of the half or full marathon. It was a great day with great support on the route. The numbers participating were amazing too so well done one and all. I finished the full marathon in 3.38 which considering the heat and the hilly course (a big challenge at times) I was delighted with. I hope you did well too. So what so we do now? Well, I’m taking 2 weeks off from running but will get walking a few evening and plenty of stretching and generally looking after myself and basking in the glory of the achievement Well done and take care!
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21st August 2014
Well here we are! The last few days of preparations for the Donegal half and full marathons! Can you believe it! These few days are about preparing your mind to run the distance. Training wise, take it easy and if you run then go for a short lazy run. It’s all about conserving energy now, getting plenty of rest and eating well to build up the reserves in the body for the big day. Eating well and sensibly such as reducing or staying off the alcohol until after the race, eating iron containing meat and vegetables and later in week pasta and white meat. Getting to bed early and having a good night’s sleep. Mentally, I’ll take some time to think about the course, visualise myself finishing it successfully and preparing myself to enjoy the experience of the day. I really mean that... enjoy every minute... we have trained all summer long so it’s a day of celebration. The celebrations look good for the Aura with the family day so they’ll be plenty of noise and support as you finish your race. Volunteers are in place and its all go. Get registered early Saturday (between 12noon and 6pm) and chat about the race to friends and colleagues. Finally, don’t chance wearing anything new for the race – stick with what works and even if your socks have gone grey in the wash (like mine have) stay with them. It’s not about looking good to everyone else but about feeling good in what you wear so don’t change an item of clothing that you have worn for your longer runs. Thanks for checking in each time the blog was updated and thanks to the Donegal Marathon Committee for asking me to contribute of the last few months. Well done to you all for bringing the ultimate race back to the North West. Best wishes to all and good luck!! Well here we are! The last week of preparations for the Donegal half and full marathons! Can you believe it! I write this week as I’ll be preparing myself as best I can all week next week, both physically and mentally. Training run wise, I’ll be finishing the Sunday long runs with a 10 to 12k jog and intend to run two 5 ml runs during next week. More importantly, it’s a week to take care and prepare well for the 24th. Eating well and sensibly such as reducing or staying off the alcohol for the week, eating iron containing meat and vegetables and later in week pasta and white meat. Getting to bed early and having a good night’s sleep. Mentally, I’ll take some time to think about the course, visualise myself finishing it successfully and preparing myself to enjoy the experience of the day. I really mean that... enjoy every minute... we have trained all summer long so it’s a day of celebration. The celebrations look good for the Aura with the family day so they’ll be plenty of noise and support as you finish your race. Finally, don’t chance wearing anything new for the race – stick with what works and even if your socks have gone grey in the wash (like mine have) stay with them. It’s not about looking good to everyone else but about feeling good in what you wear so stay with what you have done your long runs in. Thanks for tuning in each time the blog was updated and thanks to the Donegal Marathon Committee for asking me to contribute of the last few months. Well done to you all for bringing the ultimate race back to the North West. Best wishes to all and good luck!! 11th August 2014 – 13 days to go!!!
Whoa! 13 days to go. I was on hols for a few weeks but still managed to train. It’s great to be well on the wind down now and looking about keeping yourself free from injury and resting with plenty of sleep. Having said that i nearly broke my arm today as i slipped getting into the car!! So for me while it’s about keeping the running ticking over, it’s also about building up the positive mental approach needed for such a long run. I need to work on this and the Motivation Mondays on our Face book page are brilliant and witty for this. I will try to get some quiet time over the next 2 weeks to sit and relax, visualise the route and remind myself that I have done enough training and I will run it all So good luck to you as you look after yourself. If it’s your first half or full marathon, don’t panic if you think you haven’t done enough. You have so believe in what you have done over the summer months. August 24th will be a great day for us all and our families will be supportive and happy for us. Take care and eat well |
AuthorExperienced marathon runner from Donegal. Archives
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